DIY Strawz to Take Drinking Stuff to a Whole New Level

Up until now, straws were straight tubes of disposable soft plastic that your parents would use to transfer various liquids from cup-like containers into their dry, smelly mouths.

Thanks to, you’ve now got the ability — nay, the obligation — to mod your straws into various mind-blowing drinking apparatuses.

Introducing the DIY Drinking Strawz. You’ll get 20 flexible rubber connectors and 16 translucent (translucent!) straw pieces. Everything’s machine washable so make sure to use this kit over and over again, resisting the ingrained impulse to chew the straws apart and/or throw them away.

Look at the handsome couple on their first date. Don’t they look happy simultaneously sipping syrup, suds, and sauce? You, too, can get into the straw-modding game today for $13 plus shipping.

ThinkGeek DIY Drinking Strawz

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