Cellfish.com: PC To Mobile Content Sharing

Cellfish Media, a spin-off company from media company Lagardère (publisher of Elle magazine) has launched Cellfish.com, a social network and destination portal centered on users sharing music, videos and art between their PCs and mobile devices.

Cellfish.com aims to tackle the issue of being able to share mobile entertainment while retaining the use of such content regardless of handset upgrades or changing service providers. Users are able upload content and display it on their personal Cellfish pages and their cell phones, then share that content with friends from a mobile device or PC. The Cellfish.com portal provides multiple content options including free for download and premium paid offerings on top of user generated content.

It’s an interesting offering, parts of MySpace+Youtube+Last.fm+Jamster combined and delivered on a cellphone. Function wise it appears easy to use and the variety of content is solid; it’s a crowded market but certainly this is still room for a strong mobile focused player.

New York based Cellfish Media has $60million in funding from Humagade Group, Solidarity Fund QFL; and the Telecom Media Fund, with Lagardère maintaining part ownership. Cellfish Media did $120million in revenue last year from its existing mobile service offerings; this is no revenue-free duck in the water startup but a serious player with money and experience in the mobile marketplace.

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