Vpod.tv Launches Personalized Video Channel Public Beta

A year after launch, Vpod.tv, makers of flash-based online video publisher tools, released some previously premium tools into public beta. The tools trickling down to the public accounts will be under the umbrella of their myTV product.

Now any account will be able to upload, publish, and monetize their own hosted (600 Mb) myTV video channel, like this one for a series of entrepreneurs speaking in France. You can also see the new version of their embedded player below.

Channels consist of a series of streamed videos (no rewind or fast-forward) navigable by a show menu running along the bottom of the player and are managed by several overlayed menus. The menus let you grab a link to an individual show, RSS feed, or share it over email. Publishers create channels by uploading individual shows (using a new desktop uploader) to their account and ordering the videos in play lists. They can then personalize the player by linking it to their own domain and adding their own logo, and syndicate it through a Netvibes widget.

There are several other startups getting involved in personalized internet video. Both Cozmo, Kyte, me.tv, and Splashcast have RSS based video players that create channels from videos hosted on other sites. Yet to launch, WorldTV will also feature a personalized video player.


Also see TechCrunch France’s complete coverage (French).

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