CBS Acquires WallStrip for $5 million

Jossip is reporting that corporate focused video blog WallStrip has been acquired by CBS News for $5 million. The report states that an announcement is expected early this week and involves WallStrip host Lindsay Campbell being the next Amanda Congdon for CBS, fronting online shows.

I spoke to some one close to the deal who confirmed Jossip’s story. The deal is said to be focused on signing Lindsay Campbell. CBS was keen to have Campbell on board and a cast iron contract meant that acquiring WallStrip was the only way they could get to her.

WallStrip as a video blog/ show has previously met with mixed reviews. The dry topics and patchy scripting being pulled off only by the shining talent of Campbell. As a deal it has a sense of “What The?” about it. My source says the company has zero revenue. Campbell has talent but if this was the driving reason behind the buy, they’d better hope she can tap dance as well.

Update 5/22: the acquisition is now confirmed publicly by an investor. Price was not disclosed.

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