Thriving Office for the Non-Thriving Office

The Internet and Web 2.0 may finally be delivering the promise of telecommuting. Working in pure, golden silence, aside from the occasional twittering bird for me has always been one of my favorite things about working from home. I’ve always hated noisy offices and yet for some, working from home isn’t real work. Presence with others is subliminally viewed as being a form of legitimacy. Background noise is the norm and not the exception. Lack there of raises questions.

Which is where Thriving Office comes in.

It’s an insanely simple idea. One of those things you can’t help but think “why didn’t I think of that”.

Thriving Office is a recording of office noises.

The sales pitch says it all:

Small businesses know they must seem successful to become successful. So they play Thriving Office while they’re on the phone. This valuable CD is filled with the sounds people expect to hear from an established company, providing instant credibility

CEO Bill Freund tells me that the reach is broader again. Some buyers have purchased the CD to play when they are off the phone as a means to increase their productivity. A number of larger companies have also begun using the CD to supplement office sounds; the noise from Thriving Office being more effective than natural noise in the workplace in painting a picture of office life to customers.

An MP3 download is also available as an alternative to the CD.

I don’t like noise, but I can see the logic.

Some times it’s the simplest of ideas that work.

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