G-Men Visit Second Life Casinos, Stay for the Brothels

The FBI has visited Linden Lab and their Second Life casinos in order to figure out just what that giant teddy bear — really a Japanese exchange student — and the fat man in Spokane who looks like a Suicide Girl and calls himself Wendy Wild are doing over at the roulette table.

Yes. friends, some FBI agents want to know how online gambling in Second Life works and they won’t give up until they figure out how to get off the damn orientation island and customize their avatar.

“We have invited the FBI several times to take a look around in Second Life and raise any concerns they would like, and we know of at least one instance that federal agents did look around in a virtual casino,” said Ginsu Yoon, until recently Linden Lab’s general counsel and currently vice president for business affairs.

Dear FBI: There are more compelling places to look for criminal behavior than LuLu’s Kasino next to Wally’s House of Furry Anal.

FBI checks out gambling in ‘Second Life’

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