Speak Up Sonny! Grandma Can't Hear You!

Senior citizens should either decide to go all out with electronics and learn how the VCR clock works or just abandon them altogether. But now, thanks to NTT DoCoMo, seniors won’t have to compromise giving up necessities like a cellphone in exchange for not having to learn.

The Raku-Raku Phone is designed for elderly folks with hearing and vision problems. It comes with a “slow voice” feature which will slow down the caller so they can be easily understood, a “clear voice” feature which automatically adjusts the volume to your surroundings, an automated text reader, and to top it off, a pedometer.

Sounds like the perfect gift for my grandmother. If only I could snag one on US shores and swap her SIM card out, I’d be in for a much easier life.

Elder Phone Slows Down Voices [Textually]

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