Skinny PS3 In 2008…More Like 2009, Bummer

The PS3 is a bit husky and everyone knows it, especially Sony. The next-gen gaming console has yet to be launched in Europe and Australia, but Sony is already hard at work on the next generation of the PS3.

A statement released by HQ in Japan states that Sony expects to make the transition from 90-nm chips to 45-nm chips in 2008 or early 2009. We all know Sony’s track record regarding the PS3, so I’ll bet we won’t see any changes until 2009. The decrease in chip size equals a slimmed down model that isn’t so pudgy. It’s a move in the right direction for Sony and we know they can do it—just look at the slimmed down version of the PS2. Let’s keep our fingers crossed and hope they make the transition ASAP.

PS3 Goes On A Diet [T3]

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