Verizon Turned Down iPhone Deal, Now Cries, Cries, Cries

Let’s take a look at this first paragraph. Ahem…

Verizon Wireless, the No. 2 U.S. cellphone carrier, passed on the chance to be the exclusive distributor of the iPhone almost two years ago, balking at Apple’s rich financial terms and other demands.

Let’s read that again…

Verizon Wireless, the No. 2 U.S. cellphone carrier, passed on the chance to be the exclusive distributor of the iPhone almost two years ago, balking at Apple’s rich financial terms and other demands.

One more time? No? Ok. Now everyone go down the street and laugh at the Verizon store. Laugh, laugh, laugh. Go ahead. We’ll wait.

Verizon rejected Apple iPhone deal [USA Today]

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