Rumor: MacBook Thin Specs Confirmed?

, including the 1280×800 pixel resolution of the 12-inch widescreen display, the standard 1GB or RAM (expandable to 3), and 2.16 or 2.33GHz Core 2 Duo procs, among others.

While we don’t think it does exist, we do concede it would kick much ass. Sadly, this would be Apple shooting itself in its foot, as the MacBook Thin would cannibilize its own MacBook sales. In addition, the high-end GPU is something for the pro market, not the consumer market this would most likely be aimed at.

We’re hoping to be pleasantly surprised at MacWorld, though. The media (including us Bloggers) are focused on the iPhone iChat Mobile (mark my words there), and we lose site that it’s not AppleWorld, but MacWorld. We’re hoping Apple puts the new Macs front and center, as that’s what the conference and expo are and should be about.

That being said, go drool over the stats at MOSR, then come back here and tell us what you think.

MacBook Thin Specs Leaked! [Mac OS Rumors]

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