Screw Black Friday. You'll Get Downloads And Like It!

So sending someone an e-card is about as old as e-mail. And actually sending someone a “digital” gift is pretty old too, come to think of it. So why am I so depressed that is suggesting I skip the shopping madness this weekend and send everyone downloads for the holidays? Because there’s something that’s just not right about telling the kids to go check their e-mail and download their new CD/DVD/Game. But, if you’re the type to give digital gifts, who am I to stand in the way of progress?, for those of you who don’t know, offers downloads of movies, TV shows, music and games, but when you download stuff you earn credits toward the purchase of more downloads of movies, TV shows, music and games. It’s a vicious cycle. Plus the company claims to have special technology that’ll let you download “very large files at incredible speeds” and lets you get cash back as “paid redistributors” of the entertainment you download. It’s all very exciting.

PeerImpact [web site]

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