Dash Entrant #3: The Blair Dash Product

Looks like this is a three horse race, kids. We just got this in from rgoodwin, a charming young man recreating a famous scene from a film I actually paid to watch way back when and now regret. Remember: view these videos early and often and we’ll pick a winner on Monday.

Nagging Wife

Read on for the rules…

Here’s what to do: Grab a webcam or video camera. Shoot a one minute video of you telling me to stay strong and your best advice for helping me rid my bloodstream of the mad-eyed toxin we call cellphones. Remind me that carrying around four cellphones is not natural and will give me cancer. Tell me about the best way to keep in touch with my friends, family, and PR folken without a cellphone. Tell me I should suck it up and use pay phones. Anything to help get me through the day. I’ll need thirty of these, people, so get cracking.

Record your video. Upload it to YouTube with the tag “crunchgeardash” and email a link for the video to contest@crunchgear.com. We need thirty entries, so please enter as often as you like. The five entries with the most views by Monday, November 20 will appear on the site and the readers will vote on the winner on November 21st.

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