TAC Announces First 10-Button Wireless Guitar Hero Controller

Now that you know that the newer TAC guitar controllers are compatible with Guitar Hero 2, it’s time to check the new 10-Button Wireless guitar controller. The Double Range V Wireless Guitar Controller features the same specs as TAC’s previous Wireless V controller (which is excellent), with the addition of 5 more buttons on the upper frets. Don’t panic, Guitar Hero 2 doesn’t make you play with 10-buttons instead of five—the new buttons are placed higher in the fret board for solos. If you plan on using the new buttons, prepare yourself—soloing in Guitar Hero 2 is not easy. Once you master the solos on the higher buttons, just imagine how cool it’ll look in front of your friends next time you play.

TAC Announces First 10-Button Wirless Guitar Hero Controller [product page]]

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