CrunchGear in Korea: OMG C00l! L33T Phonez and Computerz!

Oh, South Korea, why do you taunt us so. Here are some highlights from today’s trip to Samsung HQ and the tech mart in downtown Seoul. Not much to say except that I want a CE-looking Media Center PC mit der blinkenlights running MCE for my own home like the Samsung Magic Station, above.

I’m late, said the White Rabbit. The YP-W3L MP3-player pocket watch.

Another MCE monster with Viiv. Someone is using Viiv?

MV40 AV station. I didn’t see Blu-Ray on any of these.

The march of the cellphones. Don’t even get me started on the amazing variety and this market. There were literally hundreds of things we’ve never seen before. It made me pee a little, and then I was so sad that these things would never get visas to visit us in the U.S. More to come…

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