News Corp buys Milkround

Reuters is reporting that News Corp has finally acquired Milkround, the UK job site targeting graduates and students, founded in 1996 by Tom Hughes. The purchase price is claimed to be around £20M. The name “milkround” comes from the expression for a job fair, or interviews held on campus by companies intent on recruiting university graduates early.

This UK purchase follows on the heels of an investment Fox Interactive Media (FIM) made in April to buy a stake in Simply Hired, a U.S.-based job search engine, whose features are now MySpace Jobs.

Update: Simon Cast has just written to me about his post on the UK’s age discrimination law (Employment Equality (Age) Regulations 2006) which came into effect on the 1st October.

“If you limit your recruitment to university ‘milk rounds’ only, you may find that this is indirect age discrimination as this practice would severely restrict the chances of someone over say, 25 applying for your vacancies.”

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