3 Pushing Yahoo! Go in Mobile Internet Tie-Up

This morning’s paper featured something interesting: a full page ad for 3 featuring the Nokia N73 with the Yahoo! Go application front and centre. 3 has certainly been daring where others fear to tread, recently launching a partnership with Skype, and now Yahoo! One wonders how this meshes with 3’s over-all content strategy since the Yahoo! Go application essentially makes the phone into a Yahoo! phone. One also wonders what is next for Yahoo! Go.

This application was released in January last year and presented at Mobile Monday London by Christian Lindholm of Yahoo! (after he debuted it at the less-well-known CES in Las Vegas). At the time, it got a great reception, but there have been few updates (although the team was probably working on the recently released Windows mobile version).

The 3 tie-up is definitely a coup for Yahoo! however and could spell the beginning of something new for the Go mobile application. Christian is no doubt pleased that this campaign also features the N73, which he recently praised on his blog.

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