Clip Stix: Handy Little MP3 Player

I’ve got an iPod, a Treo, a Tungsten T3 and camera, all able to play MP3s. While I generally use my iPod for my on-the-go needs, sometimes it’s a little big. I’d feel silly going out and getting a Nano (who needs 2 iPods? Really. No, you don’t). But I love the idea of unique, almost-disposable MP3 players. And I love the idea of one that you can clip to pretty much any-damn-thing.

Look at it. I mean look at it! It’s simple, functional, and cheap (less than $60 American). I could put this on the waistband of my short shorts next time I’m at Wild Waves (if they’ll let me come back), and not have to fret about losing it. In addition, it’s MedAlert likeness would be worth mega points in getting me to the front of the line for the Waterfall Canyon slide. That right there is worth having a second rocker outter.

Clip Stix [Ministry of Sound]

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