No more boo-hoo bills with Mobiboo

London based Mobiboo, the UK’s first commercial VoIP phone network to be allocated a UK mobile number range, 07911, today announced the official launch of its mobile VoIP service.

“The cost-savings of VoIP have already been proven by companies such as Skype. Mobiboo has gone one step further to replicate a true mix of traditional mobile, DECT and landline phone services to provide both residential and business customers with a credible alternative, thus giving real value for money. In a nut shell, a mobile number, DECT functionality and landline pricing with the additional coverage available with WiFi.” explained Richard Newsome, Commercial Director at Mobiboo.

The service will enable users to make calls via UTStarcom’s F3000 handset whenever they are in range of an open WiFi hotspot or wireless router. Mobiboo has also partnered with The Cloud, Europe’s leading hotspot provider, giving good hotspot coverage in the UK.

Mobiboo VoIP has significant cost-saving implications, both domestically and when travelling abroad, as international roaming charges become non-existent and calls to UK landlines from hotspots for example will cost just 2p per minute, whilst calls to other Mobiboo phones continue to be FREE.

Having recently travelled to France, I found out that T-Mobile would like to charge me £7.50 per megabyte to browse websites on my MDA mobile using GPRS/UMTS. There is no roaming data deal!? Not quiet the £1 a day “Web n Walk” offer.  

So instead of being ripped off, I decided to use the wifi connection in my room to check my email, surf the web and used my Skype mobile client to make calls. The result no call charges or extortionate data charges and no tears over the bill ;-)       

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