Trying Out Pinger

I met with Pinger founders Greg Woock and Joe Sipher last week to see a demo of their new mobile product launching later this year.

This is a serious company with a dead simple, viral product in the mobile voice messaging space. Pinger, which was called Project Edgar at the time, raised $3 million from Kleiner Perkins in November 2005, and Kleiner partner Randy Komisar joined the board of directors.

The founders both came out of Handspring (Greg was VP Sales and Joe was VP Marketing) and also worked together at Virgin on a project that never launched.

There’s not much we can say yet about the product, but I will say that this is one of the few mobile applications that I’ve seen that I’ll use every day. And the private beta is more buttoned up than most non-beta services we’ve tested. More on this as soon as the company gives the green light. Sign up to be notified of launch on the Pinger home page.

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