CrunchBoard Job Board: Stats After One Week

The CrunchBoard job board officially launched last Thursday. We’ve gathered some interesting stats on the service after being up almost a week.

CrunchBoard is permanently linked from TechCrunch in two spots (top nav bar and right sidebar), as well as MobileCrunch. More links are being integrated. There have been a total of 75 jobs posted on the site, or about ten per day. Both large and small companies are using it for their hiring needs – customers include Fox (including listings for Myspace, Fox Sports, IGN and other properties), NBC, Six Apart, Pandora, Sharpcast, MobiTV, Photobucket, Piczo, Meevee, Simply Hired, Browster, Flock, and many others. I think the coolest job listed so far has to go to Fox – how would you like to be on the mergers and acquisitions team of the company that bought Myspace a year ago? :-)

Jobs have been listed in Silicon Valley, New York, London, Tel Aviv, Austin, Tempe, Cambridge, Los Angeles, San Diego and even New Zealand.

The most popular category is programming, followed by sales/marketing/bizdev and design.

The site has had just under 100,000 visitors and 180,000 page views – a lot of people are looking at these jobs.

What interests me most is the feedback from listers, who are saying just a few resumes are coming in but that they of very high quality, from people who know the industry.

More updates as things progress. Thanks to everyone who’s written about CrunchBoard. Ping me with updates and I’ll add them here. And what I really want to know about are success stories. If you’ve found a job through CrunchBoard, email me and let me know about it, along with your blog address if you have one.

Blogs talking about CrunchBoard: Rafe Needleman at CNET, Om Malik, Savino Sguera, more

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