Introducing the CrunchBoard Job Site

A good percentage of emails coming to me every day are from people asking me which companies are hiring, or from companies asking me if I know someone who would be a good fit for a job.

I keep a separate email folder with these emails and introduce people as often as possible. But this isn’t a scalable system, and I wanted to do more to match companies with people. So we built a job board and launched it today at Now these people can connect directly.

Our goal with CrunchBoard is to build the ultimate web insider’s network. A thirty day ad costs $200. I’ll consider CrunchBoard a success if we manage to put the right people together and make the entire ecosystem a little more efficient. RSS feeds are available for all listings as well as for each category.

Thanks to Josh Hallett and Peter Harkins for creating the initial design and coding concepts, and to Jeremy Baines for spending many long nights recently adding functionality, refining the design and helping with the coding. My friend Nik Cubrilovic also helped out immensely.

We’ve been working with beta testers over the last few days to iron out the bugs. If you see any problems, or have any suggestions, please email me or leave a comment below.

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