Daylife Peeks From Behind the Curtains

New York-based Daylife finally showed a hint of itself today via one sentence in a long post by Jeff Jarvis, who’s working with the company.

He says “Daylife will gather, analyze, organize, and create a new, distributed platform for the world’s news.”

I don’t know anything more about the company than what Jeff says, which is unusual for one reason: I’m an investor. I participated in an angel round of financing over a year ago (before TechCrunch) and the company has kept me completely in the dark as to when they’ll launch, feature set, etc. This is understandable given the conflict of interest that has arisen with TechCrunch since then. The screen mockups and demo I saw when I invested were impressive, although I’m sure they have very little to do with what is being launched over a year later. To be blunt – I have no idea how Daylife will compare to, say, Newsvine and Digg, two news companies I fawn over regularly.

I eagerly await a glimpse of what they will launch, and will have someone else write about it on TechCrunch (as I did with Edgeio, a startup I co-founded).

Dave Winer, another investor, also noticed Jeff’s post today and wrote briefly about it.

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