TxtDrop offers SMS widget for MySpace

Web based text messaging company txtDrop announced today a new widget for MySpace profiles (and other web pages of course) that creates a button to deliver an SMS message to the page owner’s phone. This means that message senders don’t have to pay for each text. The service is available in the US and Canada only.

I’m not about to post a test button here! (In part because it’s the kind of ugly only a MySpace user could love.) I can imagine, though, that many people could find this very useful. Meena Trott from SixApart says that the future of social media online lies in very small groups – if you’ve got a friends-only profile page or some other way to reasonably expect a manageable number of messages then this might be just the service for you.

Oliver at MobileCrunch goes in depth on serious security concerns and his thoughts on how this could be a more viable service. Stay tuned for more coverage of the growing tidal wave of widgets.

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