FileMobile raises the bar for multimedia sharing

FileMobile is a new service for storing, sharing and creating media files online. It’s a flash based site that’s in alpha mode until September. The site supports video, photos, audio and documents. There’s a flash uploader, email by phone and the capacity to record video directly into your Filemobile account through the Flash app. When the system enters Beta status in September there will also be audio recording directly into FileMobile.

The Toronto based team behind FileMobile was originally self-funded but is now making b2b deals to fund continued development. You can see FileMobile in action at sites for Canada’s Edgefest and Scene Music Festivals.

Alpha accounts are free and include 250 mb storage and 25mb item upload limits. Larger paid accounts and premium features will be available in September. The company is currently building up its infrastructure to move beyond the basic proof of concept stage and into being a commercially viable consumer facing service.

FileMobile is aimed at two primary customer groups, bloggers and media businesses. Bloggers will like the auto posting function to a wide variety of blogging software. Media companies will like making it easy for their customers to upload media they capture. It really is impressive that the system allows so many types of media to be easily uploaded and shared. It’s only logical that video, photos, audio and documents be supported by the same system. is another service that deserves a write up and offers similar features.

When Mike made his post “Comparing the Flickrs of Video” last November, that metaphor made sense. I’m not so sure it does anymore, with more and more services supporting both photo and video. I think FileMobile raises the bar even further and I’ll be excited to see it move out of alpha this fall.

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