TechCrunch Sponsors: Thank You

TechCrunch Sponsors

TechCrunch wouldn’t exist without advertising support, and so I want to take a moment to thank each of our four sponsors:

Text Link Ads is a great revenue generator for blogs and other websites. Like Google Adsense, Text Link Ads puts text advertisements on your site. But the monetization seems to be higher for the amount of real estate taken up – ads are a flat rate per month (not pay per click) and each ad is just one line of text. For a visual of how the ads look, see the bottom of the Mercury News home page (under “Featured Advertisers”). If you want to see how much money your site may make, check out this page. TLA will estimate your potential revenue based on ad placement and the Alexa ranking of your domain.

Userplane is a provider of communication tools for social networks. I wrote a review of Userplane almost a year ago, and things have evolved quite a bit since then. Check out the site – many of their products are free and ad supported.

First Round Capital is perhaps the best known angel fund investing in web startups today. The team includes Josh Kopelman (the founder of, Howard Morgan and Chris Fralic (former Oracle, eBay and, and investments include Riya, Odeo, StumbleUpon, Browster, VideoEgg, Krugle and many others. If your startup is looking for early stage capital, you probably already know, or want to know, Josh and his team at First Round.

Riya is a photo search and facial recognition company that you will already be very familiar with if you read this blog regularly. Tell Riya who a person is in one of your photos and it will automatically recognize that person in all of your other photos and tag them appropriately. Riya is quite possibly my favorite new web company, and I was saying that long before they became a sponsor to TechCrunch. They’ve also just released a new home page with logs of interesting content from uploaded photos.

If you are interested in becoming a TechCrunch Sponsor, more information on the program is here.

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