Dabble: Media Bookmarking Sweetness

I managed to finally get a first hand look at Dabble.com, the new media bookmarking and sharing service that Mary Hodder has founded.

According to Mary there are 97 different video hosting services – including Google, Youtube, etc. I can certainly believe this, and I’ve written on a bunch of them already. Many of these services are quite popular, and people have a number of favorites at different services.

Dabble will allow people to gather all of these favorites in one place, using standard bookmarking tools like tagging, comments, etc. And there is a big focus on sharing. Simply drag and drop a video from a friend (or anyone) to your area and you have it bookmarked.

To play videos, Dabble simply opens the player in the video hoster and frames the page. Their hope is to generate revenue by partnering with these hosting services, and they seem to be well on their way with a number of partnerships already in place.

Dabble will also be adding sound and image file bookmarking.

Dabble’s early employees include Paul Wicks and (advisor) Deb Schultz, in addition to Mary Hodder. Angel investors include Evan Williams and Mark Pincus.

For more on Dabble, see Om Malik, who’s been talking about this off-blog as well. I agree with him Dabble could be interesting.

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