VideoEgg News

VideoEgg is a web-based publishing service that allows users to capture video content from virtually any device and format and publish it to the web. We profiled it on September 21, 2005, just after they launched at DEMO.

Michael Bazeley at SiliconBeat writes today that VideoEgg is moving the company from New Haven, Connecticut to Silicon Valley. Michael also reports more interesting news – that VideoEgg has launched a partnership with Six Apart that allows TypePad users to post video to their blogs using Videoegg technology. Check out Venture Voice’s podcast interview with Mena Trott of Six Apart and VideoEgg co-founder Kevin Sladek as well.

VideoEgg, which is incredibly easy to use with just about any video device, is now directly available to a huge blogging base. My hope is that someone creates a wordpress plugin next.

Congratulations to the VideoEgg team on this partnership. I’m looking forward to having you in the neighborhood as well. :-)

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