Flock Expanding Beta Today

I met with Geoffrey Arone and Chris Messina at Flock headquarters in Palo Alto yesterday to see the new Flock browser. Flock is expanding the beta group from a hundred or so individuals to a couple of thousand today.

We begged a beta invitation to Flock a while back and wrote about it in a profile written on August 26, 2005

There have been significant improvements since then. The blogging tool is even slicker than it was before, with incredibly easy flickr integration, blog editing (dual pane with code/wysiwyg viewers) and other features.

Bookmarks are now integrated with del.icio.us, which just makes so much more sense than their original idea of creating a separate social bookmarking product.

Flock is looking like a very powerful and very beautiful product.

Flock Offices

The Flock offices are literally in a garage off of University Ave in Palo Alto. Most people were awake and coding when we stopped by in the early afternoon. Andy Smith, pictured left, was the lone exception. Garage, sleeping engineers, cases of Red Bull…a true startup is a wonderful thing.

Business Week Essay

Make sure you read Rob Hof’s Flock essay on Business Week. It’s…very complete. :-)

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