Profile: Venture Voice

Company: Venture Voice

Launched: June 8, 2005

What is it?

Venture Voice produces podcasts of interviews with interesting people.

In their own words, “What does it take to start a successful business? Weâ€re working the phone to find the answers by calling entrepreneurs, venture capitalists and their friends and foes. This podcast (or, for the uninitiated, Internet radio show on demand) features our conversations. Listen to the voices of those living the entrepreneurial life. The excitement, trepidation and ambition heard in their tones gives us a feel for what theyâ€re going through. Weâ€re interested in people in all types of industries — those whoâ€ve already made it big and those who will soon. We want to hear about failures as well as successes. Start-ups have effects on personal lives in addition to professional lives; we explore both. If you would like to suggest someone to be interviewed, or have feedback for the show, please contact us.” Link

Like (profile), they are interviewing some very high profile and interesting people in the technology industry. In the short time they’ve been live they’ve posted interviews with:

Dick Costolo of FeedBurner (Part 1) (Part2)
Philip Kaplan of AdBrite (FuckedCompany founder)
Joe Kraus of JotSpot (Part 1) (Part 2)

Not bad for a site that’s less than a month old. Heck, maybe someday TechCrunch will be on the A List and get interviewed by Venture Voice. :-)

We look forward to hearing more from Venture Voice.


Greg Galant
Aaron Quint


Brad Feld

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