pc cases

ThermalTake’s Dokker PC Case Has A HDD Dock Built Right In

<img src="http://www.crunchgear.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/11/dokker.jpg" />This is a great idea — I'm trying to think if anyone's done something similar. Probably not, since it drives up the c

NZXT's Vulcan is probably the sweetest Micro-ATX case out there

<img src="http://www.crunchgear.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/05/Top_right.jpg" />I've never succumbed to the Micro-ATX temptation, but I can see the draw. Not everyone has room for a full tower under t

NZXT's Lexa PC case is angular and attractive

<img src="http://www.crunchgear.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/09/lexa-s.jpg" />As a general rule, I tend not to like the flashy, semi-transparent, radically-designed PC cases. They're for the showboats,

Some classy-looking PC cases in latest from Antec

<img src="http://www.crunchgear.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/03/p183.jpg" />Antec, perhaps the most popular PC case maker around, has released a couple cases which are actually quite tempting. I see a

Case Mod of the week

<img src="http://www.crunchgear.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/03/casemod.jpg" />Attention all PC case artists and modders! We want you to send us pictures of your coolest case mod, your most creative l

Thermaltake, BMW ‘Level 10’ PC case looks like a trendy apartment complex

<img src="http://www.crunchgear.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/03/bmw-pccase.jpg">Thermaltake and BMW have teamed up to create the “Level 10” PC case, which is on display at the CeBIT conference in H

Awesome folding PC chassis from Asus

Do they just have an idea machine over there at Asus? This thing is great! Of course, it’s not very often that you have to take all the bits out of your PC case and travel with it separately, bu

Antec Skeleton case – verdict: inconvenient

We saw this Skeleton case from Antec around a while ago, and although I was intrigued, I was also concerned at the design decisions that would have to be made to accommodate its open-air design. Would

Antec ‘Skeleton’ open-air PC case

You guys! Look at this thing! It’s the Skeleton, a PC case from Antec unlike any other PC case you’ve ever seen before. At first glance, I mistook it for a little Weber grill. ROFL! It’s not ava

NZXT's Whisper case: sweet, quiet, and cool full tower

And I was just beginning to tire of my little mid tower, how convenient. This Whisper case from NZXT is right up my alley. I don’t need portability, or fancy acrylic siding, but what I do need i

Update: Antec Nine Hundred Very Quiet

So yesterday I mentioned a review from XYZ Computing on Antec’s Nine Hundred gaming desktop case. The big black box is loaded with three 120mm fans and one of Antec’s Big Boy 200mm fans, w