
With Hykoo, You Can Combine Video And Text To Create 12-Second Short Films

Despite all the mobile video apps out there, Gary Krieg said there's still something missing — a need he's trying to fill with his new app <a target="_blank" href="">Hykoo</a>.

Interlude’s Parallel Video Feature Gives You A Cool Way To Combine Clips, Channel Surfing Style

Hey, remember <a target="_blank" href="">that interactive video for Bob Dylan's "Like A Rolling Stone"</a> that came out last fall? You know, the one that allowed you to

Interlude Lets You, The Viewer, Decide The Outcome Of A Video With Treehouse Launch

If you have a human, emotional heart, chances are you’ve felt an intense longing to change the outcome of a movie or TV show. When Ned Stark is up on that platform, with King Joffrey ordering hi

Fun To Play: We The Kings’ New Interactive Music Video

American pop band We The Kings, or rather their record label <a href="">S-Curve</a>, have teamed up with Israeli startup <a href=""

Interlude, S-Curve, And VEVO Team To Launch Ridiculously Engaging Interactive Music Video

<img src="" alt="" /> Head to leading music video portal <a href="">VEVO</a> this morning and you're going to see some

Interlude Makes Videos Truly Interactive

<img src="" class="shot2" /> Apparently musician <a href="">Yoni Bloch</a> is, besides a really nic

HTC trademarks five names, get ready for more devices

HTC has a long history of naming its devices after a strong noun. There was previously the Excalibur, Cavalier, Blackstone, Apache, Prophet, and more recently, the Hero. Well, get ready for five more