
Sumo Logic has long held the goal to help customers understand their data wherever it lives. As we move into the era of containers, that goal becomes more challenging because…

Sumo Logic brings data analysis to containers

When it comes to container orchestration, it seems clear that Kubernetes, the open source tool developed by Google, has won the battle for operations’ hearts and minds. It therefore shouldn’t…

Docker gives into inevitable and offers native Kubernetes support

At the DockerCon conference today in Austin, Docker announced a new service called the Modernize Traditional Applications (MTA) Program that enables customers to move certain legacy apps into Docker containers,…

Docker brings containerization to legacy apps

The DockerCon user conference recently concluded in San Francisco, and the evidence of the container movement gaining momentum was clear — 2,000+ attendees, 70 sponsors and more than 40 exhibitors.…

A Look At Startup Opportunities In The Container Era

Docker, Inc, the commercial entity developed around the Docker platform, made a couple of announcements today as part of their dockercon14 conference including the release of 1.0 of the project and…

Docker, Open Source Application Container Platform, Has 1.0 Coming Out Party At Dockercon14