Yesterday was supposed to be the day that live Web video streaming took on TV broadcasting. alone served a record 21.3 million streams, with a peak of 1.3 million…

There are plenty of places to watch the inauguration today online (see our guide). I’ve been clicking around, and many of the streams are jittery, as you would expect, but…

Whether you are headed to Washington for the Obama Inauguration or simply want to follow along online, there is no shortage of sites and applications dedicated to the national party…


CNN's most powerful multi-touch weapon

6:30 am PST • November 19, 2008 John Oliver learns about CNN’s touch wall the only way he knows how: by running around New York, making love to John King, and exposing CNN’s evil plan to…

As Señor Arrington alluded to, CNN rolled out its 3D hologram-thing during its election coverage last night. Thirty-five HD cameras are filming the reporter, Jessica Yellin, which then send the…

CNN is cool. In addition to the huge touchscreen “Magic Wall” (which was originally military technology), CNN’s Wolf Blitzer gets to play with Holograms today during their coverage of the…

CNN is cool. In addition to the huge touchscreen “Magic Wall” (which was originally military technology), CNN’s Wolf Blitzer gets to play with Holograms today during their coverage of the…

In addition to listening to Ron and Fez tonight, you may want to check out CNN even if Fox News is your preferred network. Why is that? Oh, just the…

Apple’s stock took a temporary 10-point hit this morning after a false report surfaced on CNN’s iReport that Steve Jobs had a heart attack. The report has been removed, but…

The boob tube has been squawking lately about some big political event next week in Denver. If you plan on tuning in, Multichannel News is reporting that CNN plans on…

The University of Michigan’s quarterly customer satisfaction index came out today, and in the Website category Google came out on top with a score of 86 out of 100 (up…


Want an EV car? Build one yourself.

7:50 pm PDT • August 14, 2008

You don’t need a $40,000 Chevy Volt to be part of the green crowd. Just convert your current vehicle from gasoline to electric. It might cost you more than the car is worth,…

Digg competitor Mixx landed another big distribution deal. will be adding a “Mixx It” button after every article on the site. This will be right next to the “e-mail”…

This is a great little fun hack. CNN is now selling T-shirts of your favorite headlines. We’re not sure why, they just are. The fun part is you can change…

CNN iReport: iLame Or iGood?

12:40 am PST • February 14, 2008

CNN launched yesterday, a “citizen journalism” site dedicated to user news submissions. Andy Warhol said in 1968 that “In the future, everyone will be world-famous for 15 minutes,” and…

The problem with automated advertising on news sites has always been the placing of inappropriate ads next to serious news issues. Take today’s report on steroid use in baseball. For…

Someone over at BoingBoing is on a rant again (go figure). This time, it’s about America’s lack of farmers. Did you know that there are 4 million active World of…

Google Lands CNN As Exclusive Adsense User

7:11 am PDT • August 28, 2007 and Google have announced an agreement that will see Google’s AdSense become the exclusive text link advertising provider on The deal will also open up the extensive inventory…


CNN Calls Gates Out On Vista's Design

8:55 am PST • January 31, 2007

Sometimes you gotta face the music, Billy boy. You know damn well you copied a lot of features from OS X when designing Vista and now CNN is calling you…

Two Time Warner sites are making serious moves into online video. CNN is expected to formally launch today a system for collecting user generated content, with video at the center…