board games

As the TV show Silicon Valley has shown, the tech community there is ripe for satire. So it’s not surprising that the next “product” to be born into this satirical…

Dick Costolo joins Maybe Capital — a new satirical board game about Valley VC

Back in the olden days, before the kids had their smartphones and their Nintendo tapes and their Tivo, families used to get together in a room, open a paper box,…

Gift Guide: Favorite Board Games For All Ages

How many of you were unsettled to see your favorite childhood game turn to debit cards? When Monopoly went electronic, it lost a substantial amount of fun, but at least there was still…

By now you’ve already heard about Nintendo Monopoly, but let’s add two more video game-themed board games to the list: Halo Risk ($40) and Donkey Kong Jenga ($25).


Monopoly: Nintendo Edition

11:00 am PST • November 30, 2009

In your face, parents all over the world. After pleading with your children to quit rotting their brains with non-stop video game playing, your suggestion of playing a board game… It’s a console version of a board game of a console version of a game originally meant for the PC, from guys who originally developed for the Mac. Will…

At the risk of losing some geek cred, I’ll tell you that I’ve never played Dungeons and Dragons, I’ve never finished a full (or even a half) game of Risk,…

Back when our country was new, kids were given big wooden wheels and rolling sticks and expected to have a good time. More than likely, our little Ezekiels and Wilberforces…