Blackberry App World company Audible this morning announced that its BlackBerry app is now available on BlackBerry App World (apart from only on its own website). If that’s not enough to make…

App store analytics company Distimo has released its December report on mobile apps, this time zooming in on the physical location of publishers in Google Android Market, and how the…

We’ve covered a couple of Distimo reports in the past because they provide us with some valuable insights on Apple’s App Store and Google’s Android Market based on the startup’s…

Last Friday (sorry for the delay, we like to spend some time out of our caves as much as the next mobile-obsessed guy) EA Mobile announced the availability of eight…

RIM co-CEO Mike Lazaridis is slated to take the stage later today in Las Vegas at the CTIA show and all eyes will be focused on RIM’s answer to Apple’s…