
Sometimes, when faced with an important decision, flipping a coin to let chance determine the outcome just won’t do. Instead, when life brings us to a crossroads, where two paths…

Help This Entrepreneur Decide Between Harvard And His Startups (Vote Here)

I think it’s safe to say that Facebook is the leader when it comes to collegiate and high school social networking. I expect that won’t hurt anyone’s feelings. When it…

CollegeBudget Brings Daily Deals And Group Buying To Campuses

For the last six months, you may have noticed that some of your favorite apps on Facebook Platform carried a special badge deeming them to be “Facebook Verified”. These apps…

For millions of students across the country summer is coming to a close, and CampusBuddy, a Facebook application and web portal that focuses on school courses and grades, is looking…

For many students, the academic portion of college consists of a four (or more) year quest to find the easiest professors on campus. College may be a time to learn…