3 ways web3 recruiters can improve their hiring game

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The internet is undergoing a drastic facelift thanks to surging interest in web3 and the metaverse. But the journey to the internet of the future is so complex that companies are struggling to find people who can do the job.

The augmented reality team at Microsoft saw 100 departures in the past year as many engineers jumped ship to work on the metaverse at Facebook. Apple has had a similar problem and still needs to fill about 10,000 roles.

Engineers don’t want to only be putting out fires, they want to create and pioneer projects.

There are at least 18,000 active developers in the yet-to-be-realized web3 space, but talent is mostly concentrated in specific verticals or businesses — more than 20% of these developers work on Ethereum projects, for example.

In the coming year, finding skilled engineers will be challenging, to put it lightly. Recruiters have to fully understand the evolving digital landscape, the expectations that potential employees have, and how to upskill current teams.

Having spent more than a decade hiring in the rapidly changing tech world, these are my insights to finding the people who will create the internet of tomorrow.

Web3 and metaverse candidates have different skill sets

Web3 and the metaverse are often used interchangeably, but they are two very different concepts. The metaverse is a virtual reality computer domain where users can interact with 3D experiences. Web3 is a decentralized version of the internet where users can create and manage digital content and assets.

Web3 engineers should have experience in blockchain development and be familiar with the Solidity programming language, which is used to write smart contracts. Because of blockchain’s immutability, projects in web3 will grow by adding layers to the tech it already sits on. Candidates should therefore have experience with Layer 1 and Layer 2, the scaling infrastructures that will support the stacking of elements in web3.

Potential employees should also have experience building full-stack dApps, (decentralized applications that run on blockchain systems) using the Ethers.js and Hardhat environments. Try to target engineers who can prove their ability to design and implement complex distributed systems operating under high load, and can demonstrate how they prioritize cybersecurity.

For the metaverse, developers who have gaming domain knowledge would be more appropriate. The virtual nature of the metaverse means that experience with virtual reality and augmented reality is valuable, as are other connective technologies that focus on immersive worlds and storytelling. Metaverse engineers need a hands-on approach, detailed attention to UI, and preferably be confident with gaming engines like Unity and Unreal.

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Offer candidates remote positions with real rewards

Like any hiring process, finding talent to construct the next generation of the internet isn’t a one-sided activity. Metaverse and web3 developers are highly sought after and have the luxury of choosing the roles they step into. Recruiters, therefore, need to really hear and meet the requests of these individuals.

The tech space is no stranger to remote work, and in recent years, 75% of engineers say they want the option to work remotely. Remote options shouldn’t just be offered for small one-off projects, just as full-time work shouldn’t mean a 9-to-5, Monday-to-Friday job. Recruiters have to stop framing positions through these old optics. Instead, job flexibility, genuinely challenging problem-solving, and learning opportunities will better attract candidates.

Salaries for metaverse and web3 engineers are naturally a bit high. The average annual salary for web3 engineers in the United States is $104,329, according to Glassdoor, but engineers I’ve recruited have told me that they want more than financial compensation. Most hope to join a project that genuinely excites them and allows them to make an impact — whether that’s building the infrastructure of the future from scratch or contributing to societal progress. Engineers don’t want to only be putting out fires — they want to create and pioneer projects.

To tap into niche, vetted web3 and metaverse developers, recruiters should use talent marketplaces like Upwork, Index, Toptal and X-team. Braintrust is also the first decentralized web3 talent network that connects tech workers and clients.

Train your in-house engineers

Considering the limited pool of engineers in this space, it’s in companies’ interest to upskill their teams. After all, training people will increase retention rates and could give organizations a head start in the modern web development race.

Solidity is quite similar to JavaScript, so companies can offer stepping-stone classes between the two. They can also launch internal projects that let engineers use Solidity on a daily basis. Games are good practice to learn about algorithms for randomness, while designing multi-signature and escrow contracts is beneficial for comprehending dApps.

Web3 engineers have to master good UI/UX, and so will need to spend a lot of time in React. The software was actually built by an engineer at Facebook, Jordan Walke, who wanted a way to create reusable UI components. Interacting with smart contracts only requires basic JS knowledge, which most engineers already have. Nonetheless, companies should provide a budget for training in both areas, encourage peer-sharing and shadowing, and involve engineers in more user feedback sessions.

For the metaverse, engineers will need opportunities to experiment with deep learning, computer graphics, computational imaging, and the C++ programming language. Security will be a focal point of the metaverse — both technical and psychological — making it important for helping engineers learn to work with legal teams and advocacy groups to process threats and alleviate them. Hackathons and forums could then be organized to create solutions to emerging problems.

The internet is pending a transformation, and with it comes the need to change how engineers are hired. Much like how the next stages of the internet will unfold, recruiters must be aware of the nuances, always offer value and leverage their existing tech foundation.

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