Here are the five startups participating in Betaworks LiveCamp

Betaworks this morning revealed this list of five startups participating in its fourth Camp accelerator program. Launched in 2016, the program brings together a collection of young companies united under a single theme.

This time out, things are focused on live-streaming, for a program fittingly titled, LiveCamp. Betaworks settled on the topic based on the popularity of apps like Twitch and HQ Trivia. It’s admittedly a bit more nebulous than past topics like BotCamp, VoiceCamp and VisionCamp.

“When first settling on our next Camp program we knew that ‘live’ as a category would be a bit harder to define than our previous themes like voice-computing and augmented reality,” Betaworks’ Peter Rojas told TechCrunch, “but while these companies may each be building a wildly different product, they all share a common theme of bringing people together in real time for a shared experience.”

Betaworks has put together a nice little package for the five winners, including an 11-week in-house bootcamp and $200K per company. In addition, Betaworks will receive 8 percent common stock from each.

It’s a fittingly diverse array of companies, running the gamut from gaming to meditation to here’s the latest batch:

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