Alexa users can now donate to charity with their voice

Just in time to be too late for your 2017 taxes, Amazon’s added a new skill for Alexa that lets users donate with their voice. The command is pretty much as you’d expect — say, “Alexa, donate $20 to the American Cancer Society” and the smart assistant will pull that money from your associated account.

Alexa uses a four-digit voice confirmation code to help users from making accidental purchases — and so other people in your household don’t go around donating away your life savings. Not that that would be the worst thing to spend that money on, I guess.

Amazon also says it shares users’ name, email and address with the organization, but not credit card info. Users will also get an email confirmation of the donation and can track that info over at Amazon Pay.

The list is 40 charities long and can be found here. Users can also just say, “Alexa, make a donation,” and the assistant will help you select a name from the list. The action joins the site’s existing Amazon Pay offering, which the company says more than one million customers have used to make donations to charity. 

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