Four behavioral economics strategies for improving consumer financial health

Image Credits: Bryce Durbin / Getty Images

At Common Cents Lab, a financial research lab at Duke University supported by MetLife Foundation, we believe behavioral science can help improve financial well-being. For the past two years, we’ve been applying our insights and an experimental mindset to work with fintech companies, credit unions and nonprofits in order to test this assumption.

Twenty-six experiments in, we thought it was time to assess our progress and share what we’ve learned with the industry. Below are four strategies we have used in the field and examples of our work to tactically show how they manifest in market. Our hope is that these four strategies can help other companies leverage human nature to make it easier for low- to moderate-income households improve financial decision-making and their own well-being.

Remove the environmental barriers surrounding financial decision-making

Typical poverty alleviation strategies aim to boost a person’s decision-making bandwidth so that they are always in a better position to surmount financial hurdles as they arise. However, even when operating at top available bandwidth, managing variable income and expenses is tough, and the pressure falls upon the person to do complex mathematical balancing acts. Instead, successful providers will make this equation dramatically simpler.

By shifting this decision-making burden from the consumer to the company, it becomes a win-win for everyone involved. The company gets to enhance their value proposition by offering helpful products and features, and the consumer’s life becomes dramatically easier when financial decisions are taken off their shoulders.  

 Our work from the field:

In all three cases, these companies are removing the environmental inhibitors and making it easy for people to improve their financial prospects.

Make the right financial decisions dramatically easier

Everyone fights a daily uphill battle against the forces of consumerism. Cries of “Buy this! Buy that!” are remarkably similar to pleas to “Eat this! Eat that!” Yet, why do we have so many tools at our disposal to manage eating, but remarkably few to combat spending impulses? Mantras like no carbs, no dairy or no gluten from Weight Watchers or the Atkins Diet abound. But outside of pop figures like Dave Ramsey or Suzie Orman sharing anecdotal wisdom, our financial toolkit is remarkably empty. Given the dire state of America’s savings, we should instead be aggressively developing and testing new tools to help people spend less and save more.

Our work from the field:

Help consumers take advantages of the resources they already have

Many times, people already have options available to them that could increase their financial well-being, but they don’t take full advantage. Sometimes it’s not about creating new products and services — the secret is helping people use the services right in front of them.

Our work from the field:

Increase motivation for people to make the right financial decisions

Surveys show that most people have good ideas for improving their financial health. But the difficulty of decisions like saving or paying down debt, coupled with a lack of motivation, prevents them from taking action. There is a massive opportunity to improve financial health by playing to people’s motivations and helping them make a “good for you” choice today versus waiting for tomorrow.

Our work from the field:

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