There are now more tickets available for the TechCrunch Summer Party at August Capital

The TechCrunch Summer Party is a thing of tradition and we hope you can make it out this year. As in years past we’ll gather on the spacious grounds of August Capital in Menlo Park and enjoy an evening of cocktails and the spirit of entrepreneurship.

The deck around August Capital’s office is large but cannot hold all of Silicon Valley, so tickets are very limited and released on a rolling basis. It’s $90 to attend.

About the Summer Party at August Capital

TechCrunch parties have a history of being the place you want to meet your future investor, acquirer or co-founder. Case in point, when TechCrunch founder Michael Arrington used to hold these events in his Atherton back yard, Box founders Aaron Levie and Dylan Smith met one of their first investors, DFJ.

We’re also going to have some really great door prizes: TC swag, Amazon Echos and tickets to our flagship event this September, Disrupt SF.

Hope to see you all there this year!

Our sponsors help make TechCrunch events happen. If you are interested in learning more about sponsorship opportunities, please contact our sponsorship team here.

We are also looking for some additional hands to help at the event — you can apply for volunteer opportunities here.

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