Watch how Portal would work in the real world thanks to Microsoft HoloLens

Valve’s Portal series is one of the more beloved in PC gaming, thanks to its debut of unique puzzle mechanics to inject some fresh life in the tired first-person action genre. The game looks even more interesting when you’re using its unique mechanics overlaid on the real world, with virtual objects interacting seamlessly with concrete things like tables, walls and floors.

That’s exactly what happens in the tech demo above, which was created by Kenny W, a developer working on augmented reality games, and whose previous projects include equally impressive functioning AR takes on the Pokémon franchise.

Kenny’s latest project puts Portal’s signature portals in VR, along with a companion cube that interacts not only with the portals themselves, but also with physical surfaces and objects including the kitchen table and a staircase.

HoloLens in practice doesn’t take up your whole field of view like you might imagine from this demo video, but it’d still be a very impressive use of Microsoft’s first foray into end-user AR.

Microsoft: Please help make this a real HoloLens consumer launch title.

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