Apply now for TechCrunch Include Office Hours with Betaworks in New York

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TechCrunch Include Office Hours are back and will take place in New York on January 25th from 3-5 p.m. Betaworks partner Matt Hartman will be hosting private feedback sessions for startups. For a chance to participate, apply here.

In 2014 TechCrunch started Include, our diversity program designed to provide opportunities for underrepresented groups in tech to gain access to networks, investors, and resources.

Each month, TC partners with a VC firm to host Office Hours to help founders build their networks and get solid advice from experienced investors.

Underrepresented groups in tech include, but are not limited to, females, African-Americans, Native Americans, Latinos, veterans, LGBTQ, and persons with disabilities.

Betaworks is a startup studio and venture capital fund focusing on building and investing at in engineering and design driven consumer technology products.

Betaworks partner Matt Hartman has led investments in over 30 companies, including Remote Year, Gimlet Media, Product Hunt, and as well as co-founded its bootcamp accelerator.

Prior to Betaworks, Matt built the technology platform Trammell Crow Company (acquired by CBRE), joined Hot Potato (acquired by Facebook), and built ReferBoost (licensed to You can listen to Matt’s podcast about profitable, non-VC backed businesses at

If you are a VC firm interested in participating in the Include Office Hours Program, email

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