Airlines can now stop making those pre-flight warnings about the Galaxy Note 7

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News for those getting tired of hearing Galaxy Note 7 warnings before every flight they take, not to mention the staff who are tired of making them, those pre-flight announcements can now cease of today.

That’s because the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has removed its requirement that all airlines make said announcements. That relaxing appears to be down to Samsung’s extensive efforts to recall devices, coupled with an update that bricks any devices that do remain in the hands of consumers. Samsung said in a note today that it has seen 96 percent of devices returned to date.

A brand catastrophe — maybe — but the Galaxy Note 7 has definitely cost the company financially. The aftermath of the disaster, which saw the phone recalled after a number of battery explosions, saw Samsung’s profit plummet by 30 percent with some analysts estimating that the saga could cost the Korean firm up to $17 billion. It was with some surprise, then, that Samsung last week forecast its largest profit rise for three years. Profit for its current Q4 2016 period is set to jump 50 percent thanks primarily to the company’s strong component business.

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