Tinder now has an Apple TV app

Tinder’s latest app is actually designed for collaborative consumption. The practice of Tindering for friends is hardly a secret, but now the dating app-maker is acknowledging that impulse and making it easier to group swipe with a new Apple TV app (built into the existing iOS one) that puts potential matches on the big screen, and lets you swipe either left or right using the Apple TV remote’s touch sensitive surface.

Tinder’s depiction of the app working on the big screen, which you can see in the video above, likens it to old-fashioned fun. I don’t recall the good ol’ days of getting together to relax and sift through potential mates, but this does seem like a reasonable fit for the matchmaking software, given that it’s surprisingly easy to picture it as a party game. Maybe if Tinder finds this idea resonates with users we’ll get some genuine multiplayer in a future update.

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