Behind The Scenes with the tech powering Cirque Du Soleil’s newest show, Luzia

When the folks at Cirque Du Soleil invited us to check out some of the technology behind its latest show, Luzia, I just couldn’t say no. I try to get to every Cirque show that comes to the Bay Area, so this was like getting a glimpse into Santa’s workshop.

They’ve built all kinds of incredible stuff for this show, from a monstrous treadmill that runs the length of the stage, to a dynamic waterfall wherein each drop is independently controlled to rain images of flowers and birds down from the bigtop, to a dress covered in flowers that subtly bloom to life. It all comes together to help elevate the show without overpowering its human element; it compliments the performers, but doesn’t distract from the absurd, superhuman-level stuff they’re pulling off night after night.

I asked if we could bring a camera along, and they were open to it — so join us for this rare behind the scenes look!

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