That new ‘Mystery Science Theater 3000’ series is hitting Netflix

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That Mystery Science Theater 3000 reboot you backed last year – you remember the one, right? Jonah Ray, Felicia Day and Patton Oswalt all signed on and you threw your screen like an angry Fry from Futurama meme (helping the project reach $5.7 million on the crowdfunding service). It’s finally got a home.

The 14 new episodes of the show will be, perhaps unsurprisingly, arriving on Netflix, which has long served as a second (or, like, fourth or fifth) home for older episode of the series.

The news arrived as Joel Hodgson and company were starting up their Comic Con panel, announced as a powerfully understanding tweet from the streaming service. There’s no official date for when the show will hit the US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and UK, but the company’s knowing “not too distant future” nod will have to suffice for now.

Old school cast members Mary Jo Pehl, Bill Corbett, and Kevin Murphy are back for the reboot, along with new comers Hampton Yount and Baron Vaughn, playing a pair of robot sidekicks. Community alum Dan Harmon and Joel McHale have signed on as writers, under the watchful eye of former Daily Show head writer, Elliott Kalan, who gets that title again on this latest MST3K installment.

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