Rick and Morty is coming to virtual reality

GOOD NEWS, EVERYONE! Er, wrong show.

W-w-w-whoa, Morty. Rick and Morty is coming to virtual reality by way of the HTC Vive.

Beyond that, there’s… not a whole lot to know, just yet, except that it’s called “Rick and Morty Simulator: Virtual Rick-ality” and is being built by Owlchemy — the same folks who made the silly but oh-so-wonderful Job Simulator for Vive.

Oh, and they released all of 15 seconds of gameplay footage:

The company says they’ll be showing the game off at San Diego Comic Con in July — alas, no word on a release beyond that, just yet.

Will Mr. Meeseeks be there to help me along the way? Will we be able to go into a simulation within a simulation within a simulation? We’ll hopefully find out soon.

My man!

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