Twitter intros three new ways to embed timelines

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For developers and publishers, organizing and embedding multiple Twitter timelines is often a calculated effort, but this morning the social network has added three new ways to make it easier. In this case, late is better than never.

The first are factory functions, which allow you to generate timelines for a web app, no matter the number. For those looking into the new oEmbed API with a CMS, you can integrate profile, list, like, or collection timelines directly into the work environment.

The third (and simplest option) is to opt for the approach, which would allow you to customize and embed a timeline into a site, with minimal coding skills required. This is the solution that I can see most new WordPress users leaning towards.

Twitter also announced that it’s cleaning house: from saving widgets. Logging-in with a widget ID will no longer be required; instead a public profile, list, like or collection URL is all that’s needed to get the embed working.

These tweaks to the Twitter embed doctrine are beneficial to just about everyone, but I could argue that there are more pressing social issues that occur on the social network (like harassment) that need to be addressed with the same ferocity.

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