Introducing TechCrunch’s Brand-New Apple TV App!

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I’m excited to announce that TechCrunch Video has arrived on Apple TV, and now available to download in the App Store! The app features our entire VOD library as well as our growing list of live streaming events, just in time for 1st and Future this Saturday February 6th, and the 9th Annual Crunchies on Monday February 8th.

TechCrunch Video is helpfully featured in Apple’s “Best New Apps” and “What To Watch” categories in the App Store – or you could just search for it. As a person who lives and breathes internet video, I’m pretty excited to be going back to the big picture form factor and invading all y’all’s living rooms on the regular.

We just hit the App Store today, so do let us know what you think, for we exist solely to please your eyes and ears.

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